If you’re planning to go diving or snorkeling with your GoPro Hero 11, Das waterproof guide is just what you need!

It might seem straightforward: the GoPro Hero 11 is waterproof without a case, but what is the actual depth you can take it to without housing? Is it waterproof in saltwater?

Und how do you set it up for your underwater adventures?

In this article, you’ll find the answers to all these questions, helping you fully understand the GoPro Hero 11’s characteristics, settings, and accessories for underwater filming.

Check out my GoPro underwater guide where I reveal settings, accessories and tips for diving and snorkeling:

BEST GoPro UNDERWATER Einstellungen, Zubehör, Tipps zum Tauchen und Schnorcheln



Is GoPro Hero 11 Waterproof?

First things first, let’s discuss the waterproof capabilities of the GoPro Hero 11. Right out of the box, the GoPro Hero 11 is waterproof and can handle depths of up to 10 meters (33 feet).

This makes it ideal for activities such as swimming, snorkeling, kayaking, and paddleboarding, not to mention it’s equipped to handle rain and waterfalls.

Gopro Mundhalterung Surfen

This means you can also be confident if you’re filming in heavy rain, around splashing dirt, or if your camera accidentally takes a dip in shallow water.

However, if you plan to go Sporttauchen, you’ll definitely need a sturdy underwater housing.

Investing in a reliable underwater housing is wise, considering your GoPro is a significant investment. You wouldn’t want to risk damaging it with an inferior case.

Here are 2 best underwater housings that I recommend:

GoPro Hero 11 Schutzgehäuse

GoPro Protective Housing (HERO13 Black/HERO12 Black/HERO11 Black/HERO10 Black/HERO9 Black) - Official GoPro Accessory
  • Schützt deine GoPro bei extremen Aktivitäten vor Schlamm, Schmutz und Ablagerungen
  • Der LCD-Bildschirm auf der Vorderseite bleibt für die Anzeige zugänglich
  • Wasserdicht bis zu 60 m (196 ft) - perfekt für Tiefseetauchgänge

The official GoPro waterproof housing for the Hero 11 Black is an ausgezeichnete Wahl if you’re planning an underwater adventure. This durable housing protects your camera from dirt and flying debris at all times. It allows you to dive as deep as 60m (196ft) underwater, enabling you to capture stunning underwater footage.

When you’re deep-sea diving or snorkeling, you can still view your footage via the front LCD screen. The housing includes a skeleton backdoor that improves audio capture and provides access to the additional touchscreen at the back of the camera. This official GoPro accessory is not only compatible with the Hero 11 but also ensures high-quality footage capture without any worries.

Kuptone Wasserfeste Hülle

nother excellent waterproof housing option for your GoPro Hero 11 Black is the Kuptone Waterproof Case. Its integriertes Design facilitates easy installation and removal, saving you valuable time. This case is specifically designed to complement the camera’s layout, allowing for underwater access to the power and mode buttons through an external button.

The Kuptone Case can withstand depths of up to 60m (196ft) and its sturdy exterior makes it perfect for activities like surfing, diving, and snorkeling. It features an Kratzfeste HD-Linse that shields the camera lens from scratches, while the transparent rear cover provides a clear view, ensuring you can see the high-definition images captured by your GoPro underwater.

Mehr underwater cases for Hero 11>>>

Is The GoPro Waterproof in Salt Water?

The GoPro Hero 11, just like all other GoPros, is designed for use in both fresh and salt water.

However, due to the corrosive nature of salt water, it’s essential to carefully maintain your equipment after exposure. After using your GoPro in salt water, make sure to rinse the camera and any accessories with fresh water. This step helps remove salt deposits that could potentially harm the camera’s housing and internal parts over time.

Once rinsed, dry your GoPro gently with a soft, lint-free cloth to prevent water spots and ensure that no moisture is left on the camera.

It’s also wise to remove and separately dry any detachable parts like the Akku und SD-Karte an prevent any trapped moisture from causing corrosion or mold.

Tips For Underwater Filming

Below are some essential steps you should take to ensure your dive is as productive and hassle-free as possible.

Keep the battery fully charged

gopro hero 11 Lebensdauer der Batterie

Before diving, ensure your GoPro’s battery is voll aufgeladen. This is crucial because underwater shooting can often take longer than expected, and colder temperatures at depth can reduce battery life.

More tips on how to charge your battery fast and how long can you film with the GoPro Hero 11>>>

Set up your camera well

Proper camera setup is key to capturing great underwater footage. Adjust the settings based on lighting conditions and the type of scenes you expect to shoot.

Hier sind die empfohlenen GoPro Videoeinstellungen für das Tauchen:

  • FOV: Weit
  • Bildrate: 30fps / 60fps
  • Auflösung: 4k / 1080p
  • ISO: Protune-> ISO min. 100 / ISO max. 400
  • Schärfe: Mittel
  • Farbe: "Flat", wenn Du beabsichtigst, eine Farbkorrektur vorzunehmen, ansonsten "GoPro".
  • Weißabgleich: Auto
  • Stabilisierung: ON wenn gut abgedeckt / OFF wenn dunkel
  • Bildschirmschoner und Auto aus, auf Never stellen

Hier sind die empfohlenen GoPro Fotoeinstellungen für das Tauchen:

  • Foto: RAW
  • FOV: Weit
  • Farbe: "Flat", wenn Du beabsichtigst, eine Farbkorrektur vorzunehmen, ansonsten "GoPro".
  • ISO: Protune-> ISO min. 100 / ISO max. 800)
  • Schärfe: Mittel

Finden more setting for diving with your GoPro Hero 11>>>

Use a fast memory card

A fast memory card is essential for efficiently recording high-resolution videos. High write speeds prevent the loss of data and reduce the chances of video corruption when recording in high definition. 

Here are some recommendations:

SanDisk Extreme V30 UHS-I

  • Marke: SanDisk 
  • Geschwindigkeitsklasse: UHS-I (U3), Klasse 10, V30 
  • Maximale Lesegeschwindigkeit: 160MB/s 
  • Maximale Schreibgeschwindigkeit: 90MB/s 
  • Speicherkapazität: 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, 256GB, 400GB, 512GB, 1TB 

SanDisk 256 GB Extreme microSDXC UHS-I Speicherkarte mit Adapter – Bis zu 160 MB/s, C10, U3, V30, 4K, A2, Micro SD – SDSQXA1-256G-GN6MA
  • Bis zu 160MB/s Lesegeschwindigkeit, um Zeit bei der Übertragung von hochauflösenden Bildern und 4K UHD zu sparen...
  • Schreibgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 90 MB/s für schnelle Aufnahmen; erfordert kompatible Geräte, die...
  • 4K UHD und Full HD Ready mit UHS-Geschwindigkeitsklasse 3 (U3) und Video-Geschwindigkeitsklasse 30 (V30)

Widely regarded as one of the most popular microSD cards and the preferred choice for GoPro’s camera bundles, the SanDisk Extreme UHS-I microSD Card is an excellent choice for your GoPro Hero 11 action camera. It offers impressive write speeds of up to 90 MB/s and read speeds of up to 160 MB/s, enabling you to effortlessly capture 5.3K videos as well as raw and burst photography with your GoPro Hero 11 Black.

Available in a variety of storage capacities including 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, 256GB, 400GB, 512GB, and 1TB, the SanDisk Extreme microSD Card meets a wide range of needs. It also comes with GoPro’s official stamp of approval via their “Works with GoPro” certification program.

Für weitere offiziell zugelassene GoPro SD-Karten lesen Sie diesem Artikel

Um die perfekte Sandisk-Karte für Sie auszuwählen, lesen Sie: Sandisk Extreme vs. Ultra

Samsung EVO Select V30 UHS-I

  • Marke: Samsung 
  • Geschwindigkeitsklasse: UHS-I (U3), Klasse 10, V30 
  • Maximale Lesegeschwindigkeit: einer Lesegeschwindigkeit von 100MB/s 
  • Maximale Schreibgeschwindigkeit: 90MB/s 
  • Speicherkapazität: 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, 256GB, 512GB 

SAMSUNG EVO Select Micro SD-Speicherkarte + Adapter, 256GB microSDXC 130MB/s Full HD & 4K UHD, UHS-I, U3, A2, V30, erweiterter Speicher für Android Smartphones, Tablets, Nintendo-Switch (MB-ME256KA/AM )
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  • SCHNELL UND REIBUNGSLOS: Mit superschnellen U3-Übertragungsgeschwindigkeiten der Klasse 10 von bis zu...
  • ERWEITERN UND GROSS SPEICHERN: Finden Sie Ihre perfekte Größe aus 64 GB, 128 GB, 256 GB und 512 GB; Auswählen...

Another dependable choice is the Samsung EVO Select UHS-I microSD Card, which is an excellent memory card option for your Hero 11 Black. It provides read speeds up to 100MB/s and write speeds up to 90MB/s, allowing for smooth and efficient capturing of 5.3K or 4K UHD videos and high-resolution images on your GoPro Hero 11.

Available in storage sizes ranging from 32GB to 512GB, the Samsung EVO Select microSD card is a robust selection. It’s designed to be shockproof, waterproof, temperature-proof, X-ray proof, and magnetic-proof, making it a highly reliable choice for all your adventure needs.

Download the latest GoPro firmware

Keeping your GoPro updated with the latest firmware ensures you have the latest features and optimizations. It can improve overall performance and fix bugs that might affect video quality and camera functionality.

To update, use the GoPro app on your smartphone or download the update from the GoPro website to your computer and transfer it to your camera via USB.

Use a red filter

Water absorbs colors such as red and orange; a red filter compensates for this loss and helps bring out vibrant colors in your underwater footage.

gopro red filters

This is especially useful in blue or green water, where the depth can significantly alter how true colors appear on camera.

I recommend using these filters:

  • Light Red Filter: Ideal for color correction in clear freshwater at shallow depths from 2-15 feet.
  • Rotes Filter: Best for adjusting colors in blue or tropical waters at depths of 15-85 feet.
  • Magenta-Filter: Perfect for correcting colors in greenish waters, like those found in lakes and reservoirs, from depths of 8-75 feet.

SOONSUN 3er-Pack Tauchfilter

SOONSUN 3-Pack Dive Filter for GoPro Hero 8 9 10 11 12 13 Black Official Waterproof Housing Case - Red, Light Red, Magenta Filters - Color Correction for Underwater Video and Photography
  • Provide Outstanding Improvement of Underwater Footage: This 3-in-1 diving filter set...
  • Direct Snap-on Attachment: Easily snap on / off the dive filters to the official...
  • Reservierter Steckplatz für Halteseil: Im Falle eines Verlustes schlaufen Sie die mitgelieferte Leine an der Seite des...

If you’re looking for an affordable option that performs well in various underwater environments, the SOONSUN three-filter pack is an outstanding choice. This set is ready to tackle a range of diving conditions.

Die red filter is perfect for tropical or blue waters at depths between 15 to 80 feet, the magenta filter excels in green waters at similar depths, and the snorkel filter brightens colors in shallow tropical waters from 2 to 15 feet deep. Together, these filters effectively bring out the vibrant, tropical colors in your underwater videos and photos.

This product is highly regarded, offering excellent value for money. It stands out as one of the best in its category, without any significant shortcomings.

PolarPro Tauchfilter 3er-Pack

PolarPro Rotfilter 3er-Pack für GoPro Hero12 Schutzgehäuse - Passend für Hero9/10/11/12 Kameras im Schutzgehäuse
  • Speziell entwickelt für die HERO9, HERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, Hero12 Black...
  • Fangen Sie leuchtende Farben in blauen, grünen und flachen Gewässern ein.
  • Sicheres Aufschiebedesign mit zusätzlichen Sicherheitsbändern sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Filter angeschlossen bleiben...

The PolarPro Dive Filter 3-Pack is tailor-made for the GoPro Hero 11 and comes with Red, Magenta, and Snorkel filters, each specially designed for varying underwater environments and water hues.

The Red filter is most effective in blue waters at depths between 15-75 feet, the Magenta filter excels in green waters at similar depths, and the Snorkel filter is perfect for enhancing colors in shallow waters ranging from 2-15 feet. It’s important to note that this kit does not come with anti-fog inserts.

GoPro LUTs

Alternatively, you can use GoPro LUTs in post-production to achieve excellent results without needing to buy a red filter. I have a Color Grading LUT pack optimized for GoPro:

GoPro LUTs Farbkorrekturfilter - Unterwasser-Pack [Download]


Use LED light for deep waters

As you dive deeper, sunlight diminishes, and colors fade. Using an LED-Licht illuminates the dark waters and help your camera capture the vivid details and colors of underwater life.

Lights not only enhance the quality of the footage but also enable you to explore and record in crevices and under rocks where light doesn’t naturally reach.

I recommend the Suptig Waterproof LED Light.

Suptig Wasserdichtes LED-Licht

Suptig Diving Light High Power Dimmable Waterproof LED Video Light Fill Night Light Diving Underwater Light Waterproof 147ft for Gopro Hero 13/Hero 12/11/10/9/8/7/6/5/5S/4/3+ More Action Cam
  • Widely used: Perfect compatibility with Gopro Hero 13/Hero 12/11/10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1...
  • GREAT DIVING LIGHTS Nehmen Sie erstaunliche POV-Unterwasservideos mit dieser Suptig-Leuchte für...
  • WIDE-ANGLE 500Lumen Max. (5500K-6000K) durch 36 LEDs.Dies ist DIE Unterwasserleuchte zum Kaufen...

Using a waterproof LED light can be incredibly useful if you’re diving at night or exploring deep, dark waters. It illuminates the surrounding area for about 3-6 feet, bringing the vibrant colors of the underwater world back to life.

The Suptig Waterproof LED Light, which is compatible with the GoPro Hero 10 Black, functions up to 45m (147ft) underwater. This wide-angle light emits 500 lumens and offers three different modes: Normal (HI), Power-saving (LOW), and Flash (SOS), making it versatile for various underwater lighting needs.

Kasse more diving tips for the GoPro Hero 11>>>>



Danke fürs Lesen!

I hope this guide helped you learn about The GoPro Hero 11 waterproof capacity:)


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