With the capability of shooting 23MP stills with top-notch clarity, the GoPro Hero 10 Black is the best choice for shooting some great time-lapses of your action. Time-Lapse on GoPro Hero 10 lets you reduce the length of your long GoPro videos into shareable clips of only a few seconds.
So, you can turn the otherwise monotonous and long videos of, say an adventurous road trip, into something really cool and interesting.
In this post, you’ll learn the best Time-Lapse & Time Warp settings on the GoPro Hero 10 Black.
Time Lapse Presets on GoPro Hero 10
The GoPro Hero 10 Black has three Time-Lapse presets:
- TimeWarp,
- Time Lapse, and
- Night Lapse
The GoPro Hero 10 Black lets you speed up time by using the TimeWarp video stabilization preset. In this mode, you can capture ultra-smooth time-lapse videos while you’re on the move. This preset is perfect for mountain bike runs, hikes, and more.
Obviously, you will need to use a mount. Opt for one of the 7 GoPro Mountain Bike Mounts for INCREDIBLE Videos!
When using TimeWarp, the GoPro Hero 10 captures video at 1080p with the Wide digital lens. The camera automatically adjusts your capture speed for the best results.
What’s more, when you activate Speed Ramp, you can slow down your TimeWarp to real speed or half speed. Activating Speed Ramp is pretty simple – you just need to tap the screen while recording. Tap the screen again to speed back up.
For more info: The ULTIMATE GoPro TimeWarp (Hyperlapse) GUIDE
Time Lapse
Time Lapse preset lets you capture time-lapse video when your GoPro Hero 10 Black is mounted and still. It’s great for capturing sunsets, street scenes, art projects, and other shots that unfold over a long period of time.
In time-lapse mode, the GoPro Hero 10 Black records 1080p video with the Wide digital lens while capturing a shot every 0.5 seconds.
Night Lapse
Night Lapse preset on the GoPro Hero 10 Black is meant for shooting time-lapse videos in dark and low-light environments. In order to let in more light, the camera’s shutter stays open longer when this preset is active.
In the Night Lapse mode, the GoPro Hero 10 Black automatically adjusts the camera’s shutter speed to let more light in and picks the interval that will give you the best results. It records 1080p video with the Wide digital lens.
Please note you should only use Night Lapse for stationary shots. It isn’t recommended to use this preset for handheld or mounted shots when the camera is moving.
Check out Top 7 GoPro Tripods for Steady Photos & Videos that are just perfect for night lapse.
How Do You Time Lapse on GoPro Hero 10?
To shoot a time-lapse on the GoPro Hero 10, follow these steps:
- Turn on your GoPro and swipe down on the screen to access the settings menu.
- Tap on the Time Lapse icon, which looks like a clock.
- Choose your desired interval. This determines how often the camera will take a photo. You can choose from intervals ranging from 0.5 seconds to 60 seconds (more info on intervals below).
- Choose your desired resolution and field of view (explained below).
- Press the Shutter button to start the time-lapse.
- To stop the time-lapse, press the Shutter button again.
Once you have captured your time-lapse, you can use GoPro’s editing software to create a finished video. Simply import your photos into the software and choose your desired settings and effects to create a polished time-lapse video.

GoPro TimeWarp (HyperLapse)
GoPro Hero 10 Time Lapse & Time Warp Settings
The GoPro Hero 10 has several Time Lapse and TimeWarp settings. Here are those settings:
TimeWarp Video Speed
You can increase the TimeWarp video speed on your GoPro Hero 10 Black by up to 30x to turn longer activities into shareable moments. The default timewarp speed on your camera is Auto, which means the camera automatically sets the speed for you. For example, recording at 2x speed for 4 minutes will give you about 2 minutes of TimeWarp video.
TimeWarp video speed can also be set manually. Select a lower speed (2x or 5x) for short activities, and higher speeds (10x, 15x, or 30x) for longer activities.
Recommended TimeWarp Video Speed for different activities:
- Driving through a scenic route: 2x-5x
- Hiking & Exploring: 10x
- Running or Mountain-Biking: 15-30x
Pro Tip: For the best results, leave the speed on the Auto setting when shooting footage that may get bumpy.
Speed Ramp (TimeWarp)
Speed Ramp lets you ramp down the speed of your video. Using this feature, you can slow down your TimeWarp to select Real Speed or Half-Speed while recording. To activate this feature, you need to tap the rear touch screen while recording TimeWarp. This ramps down the speed of your video. Tap again to speed it back up.
There are two Speed Ramp options:
- Real Speed (1x): 30 FPS with Sound On
- Half-Speed (0.5x slo-mo): 60 FPS with Sound Off
TimeWarp/Time Lapse Video Resolution
You can choose from three different resolutions for shooting TimeWarp and Time-Lapse videos:
- 4K (16:9 aspect ratio)
- 4K (4:3 aspect ratio)
- 1080p (16:9 aspect ratio)
Time Lapse Interval
Time Lapse Interval sets how often your GoPro Hero 10 Black captures a shot in the Time Lapse video and Time Lapse photo modes. You should choose shorter intervals for quick activities and longer intervals for extended activities.
The available time-lapse intervals on Hero 10 are: 0.5 (default), 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 seconds; 1, 2, 5, and 30 minutes; and 1 hour.
Recommended Time Lapse Interval for different activities:
- 0.5-2 seconds: Surfing, biking, or other sport
- 2 seconds: Busy street corner
- 5-10 seconds: Clouds or outdoor scenes for long durations
- 10 seconds–1 minute: Art projects or other lengthy activities.
- 1 minute–1 hour: Construction work or other activities that take place over a very long period of time.
Night Lapse Interval
You can choose how often your GoPro Hero 10 captures a shot in Night Lapse mode. The available Night Lapse Intervals are Auto, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 seconds; and 1, 2, 5, 30, and 60 minutes.
Auto is the default night lapse interval on Hero 10. In this setting, the camera syncs the Interval with the Shutter speed. For example, if the shutter speed is 10 seconds and Interval is set to Auto, the camera will capture a photo every 10 seconds.
Recommended Night Lapse Interval for different activities:
- Auto: Great for all exposures
- 4-5 seconds: Evening city scene, street lighting, or scenes with movement
- 10-15 seconds: Dim lighting conditions with slow scene changes, like night clouds with a bright moon
- 20-30 seconds: Very low light or very slow scene changes, like stars with minimal ambient or street light
How Long Can You Record Time-lapse on GoPro Hero 10?
The GoPro Hero 10 can record time-lapse videos for up to 8 hours, depending on the interval settings and battery life. However, it’s important to note that shooting a time-lapse for 8 hours will result in a large number of individual photos, which will require a significant amount of storage space and time to process into a final video.
It’s also worth considering the battery life of the camera and using an external power source or spare batteries to ensure that the camera doesn’t run out of power during an extended time-lapse shoot.
How Long is 2 Hours in Time Lapse?
The duration of a 2-hour time-lapse video will depend on the interval settings you choose when shooting the time-lapse. For example, if you choose an interval of 1 photo per second, the resulting time-lapse video will be 7200 frames long, with a playback time of 4 minutes and 48 seconds when played back at 30 frames per second.
If you choose a slower interval of 1 photo every 5 seconds, the resulting time-lapse video will be 720 frames long, with a playback time of 4 minutes and 48 seconds at 30 frames per second. So, the length of a 2-hour time-lapse video will vary depending on the interval settings you choose.
How to Make Best Time-lapse Shots With GoPro Hero 10?
If you use the right time-lapse and time warp settings for suitable activities, you’ll always get the best results with the GoPro Hero 10 action camera.
For example, if you’re planning to record your mounting biking trip, you should always use the Time Warp preset as it is the time-lapse best setting when your camera is moving. Also, in such a case, keep the time warp video speed at 15-30x and the time-lapse interval at 0.5-2 seconds.
Similarly, you should use the best setting for the specific activity you’re planning to shoot with your Hero 10 action camera. This guide would surely help you with that.
Lastly, please note that shooting time lapses at high resolutions can quickly drain the battery of your GoPro Hero 10. Therefore, always ensure that your camera is fully charged before the shoot begins. For long-duration time-lapse shots, I recommend that you get an external power source so that you can shoot worry-free!
Thanks for reading!
I hope this guide helped you learn about all the best GoPro Hero 10 Time Lapse & Time Warp settings that you can use for different activities 🙂
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