Is GoPro Hero 8 waterproof? Can GoPro Hero 8 go in salt water?

The simple answer to these questions is ja, in most situations.

However, in certain cases, you’ll need a Unterwasserschutzgehäuse. There are also many small details to consider before taking your camera underwater.

In this guide, you’ll discover whether the GoPro Hero 8 is waterproof, whether you can take it into the sea, how to overcome distortion in the footage quality, and the bestes Accessoires for your underwater adventures.


Is GoPro Hero 8 Waterproof?

According to its specifications, as long as all camera doors are properly closed, the GoPro 8 Black is waterproof down to 10m (33ft) without housing, making it perfect for Schnorcheln. I’ve tried it out and it worked perfectly.

So, you can also rest easy if you’re filming in heavy rain, amidst splashing dirt, or if your camera accidentally falls into shallow water.

GoPro underwater snorkeling

On the other hand, if you’re planning to go Sporttauchen, you’ll need a well-sealed underwater housing.

My advice is not to skimp on this, as a GoPro camera is quite an investment, and you wouldn’t want to damage it due to a cheap underwater case failing to do its job properly.

Here are some of the most reliable options.

Offizielles GoPro-Schutzgehäuse

GoPro-Schutzgehäuse (HERO8 Black) – Offizielles GoPro-Zubehör
  • Schützt Ihre HERO8 Black vor Schlamm, Schmutz und Ablagerungen bei extremen Aktivitäten
  • Wasserdicht bis zu 60 m (196 ft) - perfekt für Tiefwassertauchen
  • Enthält eine Skelett-Backdoor für eine verbesserte Audioerfassung und einen einfachen Zugang zum...

If you’re looking to take your Hero 8 Black deeper than 10 meters underwater, the GoPro official Protective Housing is an excellent choice. It also shields your camera from mud, dirt, and debris.

Dieses strapazierfähig housing case allows you to dive up to 60 meters deep! It has earned top marks from several reviewers for its robustness, providing excellent protection for your camera during extreme activities like deep-sea diving. The included Skelett-Hintertür ensures that audio recording quality is maintained, and the touchscreen remains accessible, even underwater.

Suptig Wasserdichtes Gehäuse Gehäuse

Suptig Wasserdichtes Gehäuse schützendes Unterwasser-Tauchgehäuse Kompatibel für GoPro Hero 8 Schwarz Wasserdicht 196ft (60 Meters)
  • Perfekt kompatibel für Gopro Hero 8 schwarz, Unterwassergehäuse machen Ihren Gopro Hero 8...
  • 196 Fuß wasserdichte Schutzhülle Mit diesem wasserdichten Gehäuse können Sie Ihre...
  • Verwenden Sie das Bogendesign mit einem einfachen Einrasten und Verriegeln: Wenn Sie Ihren GoPro Hero 8 einsetzen ...

The Suptig Waterproof Case is perfectly compatible with the GoPro Hero 8 Black and is designed specifically for it. It’s ideal for deep sea diving and extreme activities like surfing, snorkeling, and skiing. With this case, your GoPro Hero 8 Black can go as deep as 60 m (196 feet) underwater und fangen Sie jeden Moment klar ein.

The case is constructed from rostfreier Stahl, ensuring it is durable enough to withstand harsh conditions. It not only provides exceptional waterproof protection but also guards against dust, snow, mud, scratches, and shocks. Additionally, this waterproof housing enables easy operation of the shutter/power button oder die select key/Mode button on your Hero 8 Black.

FINEST+ Wasserdichtes Gehäuse

FINEST+ 60 m wasserdichtes Gehäuse für GoPro Hero 8 Black Tauchschutzgehäuse mit Halterungszubehör für Go Pro Hero8 Action Cam Gummimaterialstifte schützen die Power-Taste
  • Speziell für GoPro HERO 8 Black Action-Kamera Design nur.
  • Hohe Festigkeit PC Material, perfekt verwenden Sie die Kamera 60m unter Wasser, ideal für Tauchen,...
  • Große Flachglaslinse und hochtransparentes Material sorgen für eine maximale Schärfe...

Constructed from durable rubber, the FINEST+ Waterproof Housing is a top-tier case that safeguards your GoPro Hero 8 Black in water up to 60 meters (196 feet) deep. This allows you to capture stunning images without the concern of leaks.

The lens of this housing is crafted from dickes gehärtetes Glas and boasts high light transmittance, ensuring that your underwater photos and videos remain sharp and clear.


Can GoPro Hero 8 Go in Salt Water?

The quick answer is ja, it can.

However, after every use in salt water, it’s important to rinse your camera with fresh water and dry it with a soft cloth.

This is the primary guideline mentioned in the Hero 8 manual for salt water usage.

high contrast image

Nevertheless, I always opt to use a case when in the water. It’s more straightforward and cost-effective to replace a case if it fails, and it’s also easier to test. If the case fails, your camera still has an additional layer of waterproofing.

Die seal on the GoPro camera door can be compromised by even a small amount of sand, salt, or debris. Take extra precautions around sand and salt water, especially when changing the battery, to ensure that the seal remains clean and unobstructed.


Lens Distortion Underwater

Die ‘Linear’ mode produce the most pincushion distortion underwater.

In contrast, when switched the GoPro to ‘Wide’ mode, the underwater distortion is nearly eliminated.

So, if you’re aiming to reduce underwater distortion with your Hero 8, you might want to consider using ‘Wide’ mode for clearer, more accurate underwater shots.

Keep on reading to learn how to set up you GoPro Hero 8 for underwater use.

Unterwasseraufnahmen mit gopro


GoPro Hero 8 Underwater Settings

Ensure the following settings are adjusted on your GoPro Hero 8 Black before diving underwater:


  • 4K60, Weitwinkelobjektiv
  • 1080p240, Weitwinkelobjektiv
  • 1440p60, Weitwinkelobjektiv


  • Zeitrafferfoto (2- oder 5-Sekunden-Intervall), Weitwinkelobjektiv
  • Burst (30/6 Rate), Weitwinkelobjektiv

When diving into darker underwater areas, it’s advisable to Vermeiden Sie die Verwendung von Hypersmooth, as it can create a jello effect in low light, potentially compromising the quality of your footage.

In such low-light conditions, consider reducing the frame rate to 30 FPS to allow the camera to capture more light.

Also, you might want to use a waterproof Led light.

Ich empfehle die Verwendung von Suptig Wasserdichtes LED-Licht

Suptig Diving Light High Power Dimmable Waterproof LED Video Light Fill Night Light Diving Underwater Light Waterproof 147ft for Gopro Hero 13/Hero 12/11/10/9/8/7/6/5/5S/4/3+ More Action Cam
  • Widely used: Perfect compatibility with Gopro Hero 13/Hero 12/11/10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1...
  • GREAT DIVING LIGHTS Nehmen Sie erstaunliche POV-Unterwasservideos mit dieser Suptig-Leuchte für...
  • WIDE-ANGLE 500Lumen Max. (5500K-6000K) durch 36 LEDs.Dies ist DIE Unterwasserleuchte zum Kaufen...

If you find yourself diving at night or in deep, dark waters, a waterproof LED light can be incredibly useful! It helps illuminate the area around you, covering a distance of about 3-6 feet, which brings the vibrant colors of underwater scenes back to life.

The Suptig Waterproof LED Light, which is compatible with the GoPro Hero 8 Black, can be used up to 45m (147ft) underwater. This wide-angle 500 Lumen LED light offers three modes: Normal (HI), Power-saving (LOW), and Flash (SOS) to adapt to different lighting needs.

Für mehr Tipps und Tricks for underwater filming with your Hero 8, check out the folgender Artikel>>>


If you don’t use a red filter or adjust the colors in post-production, your underwater shots might end up with some odd greenish colors.

Using a red filter is a quick and easy way to get natural colors straight from your camera, saving you the hassle of editing later. 

These filters are great for enhancing your images by bringing back the red hues that disappear the deeper you dive.

gopro red filters


Rote Filter are essential for enhancing your underwater photos by restoring the red hues that get lost as you dive deeper. There are three types of red filters:

  • Licht Rot-Filter (ideal for color correction in clear freshwater at shallow depths of 2-15 ft),
  • Rotes Filter (suitable for color correction in blue or tropical waters at depths of 15-85 ft), and
  • Magenta-Filter (perfect for color correction in greenish waters, like those found in lakes and reservoirs, at depths of 8-75 ft).

I suggest investing in a multi-filter pack, which allows you to conveniently switch filters depending on whether you’re diving deeper or returning to shallower waters.

Here’s one that I’ve personally used and recommend:

3-Pack PolarPro Dive Master Red Filter 

PolarPro Rotfilter 3er-Pack für GoPro Hero12 Schutzgehäuse - Passend für Hero9/10/11/12 Kameras im Schutzgehäuse
  • Speziell entwickelt für die HERO9, HERO10 Black, HERO11 Black, Hero12 Black...
  • Fangen Sie leuchtende Farben in blauen, grünen und flachen Gewässern ein.
  • Sicheres Aufschiebedesign mit zusätzlichen Sicherheitsbändern sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Filter angeschlossen bleiben...

Designed specifically for the GoPro Hero 8 Black Protective Housing, this Red Filter 3-Pack enhances the vibrancy of colors in blue, green, and shallow waters. The set comes with Red, Magenta, and Snorkel filters.

Alternatively, you can opt for using LUTs in post-production. Keep on reading to learn more.


Testen Sie unsere Cinematic Color Filters (LUTs) - Underwater Pack

Wir haben ein brandneues Color Grading LUT-Paket veröffentlicht, das für GoPro und Drohnen optimiert ist. 

Sehen Sie es sich hier an: GoPro Unterwasser-LUT-Filter >>

Dieses Paket enthält 100 LUTs in verschiedenen Formaten (3D, .CUBE, .look, .XML), um die meisten Video- und Fotobearbeitungsprogramme abzudecken. Nach der Installation können Sie diese Farbvoreinstellungen einfach mit einem einzigen Klick in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Final Cut Pro X, DaVinci Resolve, Sony Vegas, Filmora Wondershare und mehr anwenden (und anpassen!)!…

Sehen Sie es sich hier an: GoPro Unterwasser-LUT-Filter >>



Danke fürs Lesen!

I hope this guide helped you learn about The GoPro Hero 8 waterproof capacity:)


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