If you’re curious about which Canon camera lens is the best for sports, I’ve got some excellent options lined up for you. The lenses I’m going to present to you today are compatible with EF and EF-S mounts, catering to both full-frame and crop sensor DSLRs respectively.

In this article, you’ll find my top selections and professional advice on snapping those dynamic sports moments to perfection.


  • For sports photography, Canon offers lenses with fast autofocus, high image quality, and robust build
  • Prime lenses with wide apertures and telephoto zooms are ideal for capturing fast action
  • Preferisco il Canon EF 70-200 mm f/2,8L IS III USM for its constant f/2.8 aperture, versatile zoom range, and effective image stabilization
  • Tutta la Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4,5-5,6L IS II USM is an affordable choice, offering a broad zoom range and excellent image stabilization for sports like golf or motorsports


I 7 migliori obiettivi Canon per la fotografia sportiva

Qui ci sono I 7 migliori obiettivi Canon that I find useful for sports:

Canon EF 70-200 mm f/2,8L IS III USM

Obiettivo Canon EF 70-200 mm f/2,8L is III USM per fotocamere reflex digitali Canon (rinnovato)
  • Apertura massima f/2,8 costante su tutta la gamma dello zoom.
  • Il rivestimento a sfera d'aria (ASC) di Canon riduce al minimo l'effetto ghosting e il flare.
  • Stabilizzazione ottica dell'immagine con correzione del tremolio fino a 3,5 stop*.

This lens is like a trusty sidekick for sports photographers. With its f/2.8 aperture, it’s a champ in low-light conditions, ensuring your shots are vivid and sharp.

Plus, the image stabilization is like having a built-in steadicam, even when you’re on the move.

But the real magic is in its zoom range. You can go from wide-angle to zoomed-in action shots without switching lenses. Perfect for fast-paced games or wildlife photography where the action can change in the blink of an eye.


Canon EF 400 mm f/2,8L IS III USM

Obiettivo Canon EF 400 mm f/2,8L is III USM, nero (3045C002)
  • Ottica rivista per un super teleobiettivo EF L più leggero
  • Continua la forte tradizione di qualità d'immagine associata agli obiettivi della Serie L
  • Il rivestimento super-spettrale (ssc) e il rivestimento della sfera d'aria (asc) riducono al minimo le immagini fantasma e il flare

This lens is like a long-range sniper rifle for photographers. With its lightning-fast f/2.8 aperture, you can isolate your subject and create a dreamy background blur.

But here’s the kicker—it’s not a backbreaker. This lens is surprisingly lightweight, which is a game-changer when you’re lugging gear around all day. It’s a favorite for sports events where you need that extra reach.

And let’s not forget the stabilizzazione dell'immagine; it’s like having a built-in steadicam for your shots. If you want to capture stunning shots from afar, this lens is your go-to.

Canon EF 24-70 mm f/2,8L II USM

Obiettivo zoom standard Canon EF 24-70 mm f/2,8L II USM
  • 24 70 millimetri di lunghezza focale, 38,4 112 millimetri di lunghezza focale equivalente su Canon...
  • F2,8 costante 1TP23Apertura massima; F22 minima, motore AF ad ultrasuoni ad anello con...
  • Filtri da 82 millimetri, distanza di messa a fuoco minima: 0,38 metri/1,25 piedi

 Tutta la Canon EF 24-70 mm f/2,8L II USM è la soluzione completa per la fotografia sportiva. Grazie all'apertura f/2,8, è in grado di brillare anche in ambienti poco illuminati, assicurando scatti di altissimo livello.

But what makes this lens a superstar is its zoom range. You can go from wide-angle shots that capture the whole field to zooming in on the action like you’re right there.

It’s like having a front-row seat to all the excitement.

E il qualità costruttiva? Top-notch. This lens is a workhorse designed to handle any situation, whether you’re photographing a fast-paced basketball game or a breathtaking gymnastics routine.

If you want versatility and stunning image quality in one package, this lens has got you covered.

Canon EF 300 mm f/2,8L IS II USM

Canon 300mm F2.8 L is II USM EF Lens
  • Zoom ottico: 0,18
  • Lunghezza focale massima: 300,0
  • Peso della confezione: 14,95 libbre

This prime telephoto lens is your secret weapon for capturing those action-packed moments. With its speedy f/2.8 aperture, it’s your ticket to fantastic shots, even in challenging lighting.

Its image stabilization is also great. When you’re tracking fast-moving subjects or athletes on the field, this lens keeps your shots razor-sharp.

Inoltre, il image quality is out of this world, with minimal distortion and color aberration. This lens is a top choice for serious sports photographers. 

Controlla: 7 migliori teleobiettivi per Canon.

Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4,5-5,6L IS II USM

Obiettivo Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4,5-5,6L is II USM, solo obiettivo
  • Lo zoom supertelefoto compatto e ad alte prestazioni della serie L lo rende ideale per gli sport e...
  • La ghiera dello zoom a rotazione consente una composizione più precisa e un ottimo bilanciamento...
  • L'anello di regolazione della coppia zoom migliorato consente di impostare facilmente la tensione dello zoom,...

Tutta la Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4,5-5,6L IS II USM is all about versatility.

Mentre might not have the super-wide apertures, it more than makes up for it with stabilizzazione dell'immagine. This feature ensures your shots remain steady even at the full 400mm focal length.

This lens is a favorite for sports like golf or motorsports, where you need to switch between wide-angle shots and close-ups in a flash.

And guess what? It’s not a heavyweight, so you can carry it around without breaking a sweat.

Tutta la image quality is just outstanding. Your shots will be sharp and clear throughout the zoom range.

Canon EF 70-200 mm f/4L IS II USM

Obiettivo Canon EF 70-200 mm f/4L IS II USM per fotocamere reflex digitali Canon, bianco - 2309C002
  • Stabilizzazione ottica dell'immagine con correzione del tremolio fino a 5 stop*.
  • Un elemento di fluorite e due elementi UD per un'elevata qualità dell'immagine.
  • Alta resistenza alla polvere e all'acqua e maggiore durata anche in condizioni difficili.

Tutta la Canon EF 70-200 mm f/4L IS II USM is all about being lightweight and efficient. With its steady f/4 aperture, it performs consistently in various lighting conditions.

This lens is perfect for capturing sports where you can get up close, like cycling or swimming. The image stabilization is your secret sauce when you’re tracking speedy athletes.

It may not have the extreme low-light abilities of its f/2.8 sibling, but it’s much easier to handle during those marathon shooting sessions.

Your shots? Razor-sharp with vibrant colors

Canon EF-S 55-250 mm f/4-5,6 IS STM

Canon EF-S 55-250 mm F4-5,6 è STM
  • Teleobiettivo zoom EF-S ad alto ingrandimento, compatto e leggero, con immagine...
  • Un elemento dell'obiettivo UD riduce l'aberrazione cromatica in tutta la gamma dello zoom, per...
  • Il nuovo sistema di zoom a sei gruppi offre un design compatto, pur ottenendo un...

Now, let’s talk budget-friendly but high-quality.

Tutta la Canon EF-S 55-250 mm f/4-5,6 IS STM è la migliore amica del vostro portafoglio. Anche se non ha le aperture o le lunghezze focali dei professionisti, offre comunque la stabilizzazione dell'immagine e una gamma di zoom versatile.

Questo obiettivo è la soluzione ideale per atletica delle scuole superiori o sport giovaniliQuando non si ha bisogno della portata estrema dei cannoni. È leggero e facile da maneggiare, anche durante le riprese prolungate. Pur avendo un'apertura variabile, è in grado di fornire scatti nitidi in buone condizioni di luce. L'EF-S 55-250 mm f/4-5,6 IS STM è il biglietto da visita per la fotografia sportiva a prezzi accessibili, senza rinunciare alla qualità.

Più telecamere per streaming in diretta di sport giovanili>>.


Suggerimenti per massimizzare la fotografia sportiva

Ecco alcuni consigli to help you make the most of your sports photography with Canon’s top lenses. 

Know Your Gear Inside Out

Before you hit the field or the court, make sure you’re intimately familiar with your Canon lens. Practice changing settings, adjusting focal lengths, and mastering the autofocus system.

The better you know your equipment, the quicker you can adapt to changing situations during a game.

Considerate la lettura dei seguenti articoli:

Use the Right Lens for the Right Moment

Each Canon lens on this list has its strengths. Choose the one that suits your specific sports photography needs. If you need speed and versatilità, opt for the 70-200mm f/2.8L.

Per long-distance shots, the 400mm f/2.8L is your go-to. The key is to match the lens to the type of sport you’re shooting.

Perfect Your Panning Technique

Panning is crucial for capturing the sense of motion in sports photography.

To get that dynamic shot with a blurred background and a sharp subject, practice your panning technique. Use a slow shutter speed (around 1/125 or slower) and follow the athlete’s movement smoothly while releasing the shutter.

fotografia sportiva canon

Anticipate the Action

In sports photography, the most captivating shots often happen in the blink of an eye. To capture these moments, anticipate the action.

Study the sport, understand the players’ strategies, and be ready to press the shutter at the right time. Patience and timing are key.

Master Your Camera’s Autofocus

Canon’s lenses offer advanced autofocus systems.

Take advantage of them by understanding your camera’s autofocus settings. Learn how to track moving subjects, set focus points, and use predictive autofocus for precise and sharp shots.

Make Use of Burst Mode

Don’t hesitate to use your camera’s burst mode.

It allows you to take multiple shots in rapid succession, increasing your chances of capturing that perfect moment. Just remember to bring enough memory cards and be prepared for post-processing work.

Experiment with Angles

Don’t limit yourself to shooting from the sidelines.

Experiment with different angles to add variety to your shots. Get low for dramatic ground-level shots or find higher vantage points for unique perspectives.


Which Would You Select?

If I have to pick a few favorites, it would be hard to ignore the Canon EF 70-200 mm f/2,8L IS III USM. Its versatility, constant f/2.8 aperture, and remarkable image stabilization make it a go-to choice for a wide range of sports scenarios.

However, The Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4,5-5,6L IS II USM is a great budget-friendly option, offering a broad zoom range and excellent image stabilization for sports like golf or motorsports, where quick focal length changes are crucial.


Grazie per aver letto! 🙏

I hope this guide helped you learn about some of the best camera lens for sports Canon 🙂


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