If you are experiencing any kind of issue with the card, the first thing to do is learn how to format micro SD card to save it from damage.
You can do this procedure using a mobile (Android and Windows) or computer (Windows or Mac).
In this article, you will learn all about how to format a Micro SD card.
How To Format SD card using a Mobile
Formatting the SD card on your smartphone is the easiest way ever. Below mentioned are the steps to carry out the process on Android and Apple phones separately.
On an Andriod Phone
Mention below the step-by-step process of formatting your SD card using an Android phone.
- Go to the Phone Settings App
- Go to Device Maintenance.
- Go to Storage and choose Advanced
- Search for the Portable option and choose the SD card.
- Choose the option Format.
- To start formatting, choose Format SD card.
On a Windows Phone
Mention below the step-by-step process of formatting your SD card using a Windows phone.
- Go to Settings App on your phone.
- Search the Phone Storage Option and click on it.
- Click on Format SD card, it will show two options (remove SD card or format SD card).
- Choose Format SD card to complete the process.
iOS/iPadOS cannot format external media such as SD cards. Make sure that the data is backed-up before you start formatting your SD card. In case of an external error, wiping the entire data is the best available option.
Do you have GoPro and your microSD card shows error?
Check out this article to learn how to fix it.
Reasons To Format an SD Card
Formatting an SD card means removing all its contents completely which includes wiping all information and files that are present on the SD card. Formatting the card is useful if the card has stopped working suddenly or it has been corrupted somehow. Clearing all contents helps to save the card so that it can be reused in most cases, which in turn saves up money for buying a new SD card.
Wonder how to fix corrupted SD card? Read this article with step-by-step instruction on it.
Formatting the card is not only useful if it has been corrupted but also if it is full, once you have transferred the useful contents to an external hard drive or your computer, you can format the data for re-using it.
How To Format SD card using a Computer
You can also format the SD cards on your computer device as well. Formatting it on Windows and Mac has different steps. The below section will guide you to complete the process conveniently.
Mention below is the step-by-step process of formatting your SD card using a Windows Computer.
- Insert the micro SD card in the card reader that is compatible with your device.
- Connect the device to your computer, it should immediately be recognized once plugged in.
- Press Windows key + E.
- Go to This PC and click on the drive representing the SD card.
- Right-click on the SD card drive and choose Format.
- The File System should be FAT or FAT32.
- Change the Allocation Unit Size to the Default allocation size.
- Enable the Quick Format check box and click Start.
Mention below the step-by-step process of formatting your SD card using a Mac device.
- Insert the micro SD card in the card reader that is compatible with your device.
- Connect the device to your computer, it should immediately be recognized once plugged in.
- Open Spotlight. You can do it by clicking the search icon in the upper-right corner or using the keyboard (CMD + SPACE).
- In the Spotlight search box, type Disk Utility and click Enter.
- Once in Disk Utility, From the left sidebar, choose the parent icon for the SD card.
- Choose the Erase option on the right.
- In the Format menu, select MS-DOS(FAT).
- Click Erase to start formatting.
Thanks for reading!
I hope this guide helped you gain all the information about how to format micro SD cards 🙂
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