In one gigabyte of digital storage, you can store approximately 1.8 to 3.6 minutes of video.
Alternatively, this translates to about 2 to 5 videos, each with an average duration of 45 seconds, with the exact number depending on the video resolution. These estimates are for videos with resolutions ranging from 2.7K to 4K.
File size depends on 3 main factors: bitrate, video duration, and compression ratio. We will talk about it in the next section.
The size of a video file is primarily influenced by its bitrate rather than its resolution. Essentially, bitrate is the key determinant of a video’s file size. This means it’s possible to have a 4K video that has a lower bitrate—and consequently, lower quality and smaller file size—than a 720p video.
If your video includes an audio track, remember that the audio has its own separate bitrate.
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