Wildlife photography requires the right gear, especially for once-in-a-lifetime safari trips. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of the top 5 camera lenses perfect for wildlife photography.

This article provides a detailed look at these lenses, suitable for different cameras, and includes my top pick and the reasons behind my choice.


  • My Top choice is Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM
  • Rapid autofocus and minimal noise are must-haves
  • An optical stabilizer will save your shots from the shakes


5 beste Kameraobjektive für die Wildlife-Fotografie

Here is a detailed review for the 5 best camera lenses to create wildlife shots:

Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM

Sigma 150-600mm 5-6.3 Contemporary DG OS HSM Objektiv für Nikon
  • 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM / C
  • Minimale Fokussierentfernung: 280 cm/110,2 Zoll, Brennweite: 150-600 mm. Blende...
  • Erstes Hyper-Telephoto-Zoom aus der Contemporary-Linie, staub- und spritzwassergeschützt...

Look no further than this remarkable lens, a true game-changer for capturing distant and fast-moving subjects. Its enorme Brennweite und beeindruckender Zoombereich eröffnen eine Welt der Möglichkeiten, in der Sie Wildtiere aus nächster Nähe beobachten können, ohne ihren natürlichen Lebensraum zu stören.

Eines der herausragenden Merkmale dieses Objektivs ist seine blitzschnelles und präzises Autofokussystem. It’s designed to lock onto your subjects with incredible accuracy, ensuring that your shots are tack-sharp and ready to impress. No matter how quickly your subjects move, you can trust this lens to keep up.

Seine optical stabilizer work well when it comes to minimizing the impact of camera shake, particularly crucial when working with long focal lengths. This feature guarantees that your images will be crisp and devoid of distracting blur, even in challenging shooting conditions.

Das Besondere an diesem Objektiv ist seine Kompatibilität mit Kameras von Nikon, Canon und Sony, making it a versatile choice for photographers across different brands. 

Mehr Auswahl an Sigma-Objektive>>>

Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM

Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L is II USM Objektiv, nur Objektiv
  • Das kompakte, leistungsstarke Supertelezoom der L-Serie ist ideal für Sport- und...
  • Der drehbare Zoomring ermöglicht eine präzisere Bildkomposition und eine ausgezeichnete Balance...
  • Verbesserter Zoom-Drehmoment-Einstellring ermöglicht eine einfache Einstellung der...

For Canon DSLR enthusiasts seeking versatility and top-tier quality in a zoom lens, look no further than this exceptional offering.

Tailored to meet the demands of diverse photography scenarios, this lens is the perfect companion for capturing stunning shots across the spectrum. One standout feature is das USM-Autofokussystem, das für seine Präzision und seine Fähigkeit bekannt ist, sich bewegende Objekte schnell zu erfassen

Zusätzlich zu seinen beeindruckenden Autofokus-Fähigkeiten bietet der integrierter Bildstabilisator is a true asset for photographers. With the capacity to correct up to four stops of camera shake, you can bid farewell to the worries of capturing blurry images, even in challenging conditions.

This feature empowers you to shoot handheld with confidence, knowing that your photos will maintain their sharpness and clarity.

Außerdem ist das Objektiv außergewöhnliche optische Qualität guarantees sharp images across the entire frame, ensuring that every detail is captured with stunning clarity. 

Finden Sie alle best Canon lenses for wildlife photos>>>

Wenn Sie eine Canon Kamera besitzen, sollten Sie nicht verpassen Canon Objektivschutzdeckel zum Schutz Ihrer Ausrüstung>>>

Nikon AF-S FX 200-500mm f/5.6 ED VR

Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 200-500mm f/5.6E ED Vibration Reduction Zoom-Objektiv mit Autofokus für Nikon DSLR-Kameras
  • Kompaktes Super-Telezoom-Objektiv für Vogelbeobachtung, Tierwelt, Motorsport, Veranstaltungen und mehr
  • 500 Millimeter Zoomleistung bei DSLRs im fx-Format; 750 Millimeter äquivalent bei dx...
  • Schnelle, konstante Blende von f/5,6 für schöne unscharfe Hintergründe und wenig Licht...

For Nikon full-frame camera enthusiasts in search of exceptional magnification and minimal aberration, this lens is a standout choice that’s bound to exceed your expectations. Its remarkable features make it a formidable tool in the hands of photographers who demand top-notch performance.

Mit einem Konstante 1TP23Maximale Blendenöffnung von f/5,6, dieses Objektiv shines in low-light situations, allowing you to capture stunning images even when the lighting conditions are less than ideal.

The consistency of this aperture setting throughout the zoom range ensures that your exposure settings remain predictable, enabling you to focus on the creative aspects of your photography without worrying about adjustments.

Einer der wichtigsten Vorteile des Objektivs ist sein System zur Reduzierung von Vibrationen, which plays a pivotal role in minimizing camera shake.  It ensures that your images remain sharp and free from the blurriness caused by shaky hands or unstable shooting conditions.

The inclusion of a silent wave motor ensures that autofocus is not only fast and accurate but also discreet. This is particularly beneficial for wildlife and nature photographers who need to capture moments without disturbing the natural surroundings. 

Siehe auch Beste Zoom-Objektive für Nikon-Kameras

Sony FE 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 ED G OSS

Sony FE 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 G OSS Objektiv für Sony E, Bundle mit Haida 95mm NanoPro MC CPL+Klarfilter Kit
  • Sony FE 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 G OSS Lens - Lens Cap - Rear Lens Cap (ALC-R1EM) - Lens...
  • Hervorragende Auflösung des G-Objektivs über den gesamten Zoombereich
  • 5x ED-Glaselemente (Extra-low Dispersion) reduzieren Streulicht und Geisterbilder

Tailored specifically for Sony mirrorless camera users, this lens is a marvel of optical engineering, offering an extraordinary 600mm focal length at the long end of its zoom range. 

Das Objektiv DDSSM-Autofokus-System is a technological masterpiece, delivering both power and precision in equal measure. Even in challenging low-light conditions, it maintains its accuracy, ensuring that your subjects are consistently in sharp focus.

Whether you’re tracking fast-moving wildlife or capturing fleeting moments, this Autofokussystem guarantees your shots are crisp and detailed.

Blur is the bane of any long telephoto lens user, but fear not, as this lens comes equipped with an optical steady shot system that significantly reduces blur caused by camera shake. T

his is especially crucial when working with such a long focal length, allowing you to capture sharp images even when shooting handheld. Beyond its technical prowess, das Objektiv verfügt über eine 11-Lamellen-Blende, which creates a breathtaking bokeh effect. 

Finden Sie die gesamte Palette der Sony FE-Objektive>>>

Fujifilm XF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6R LM OIS WR

Fujifilm XF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR Objektiv 16501109
  • Zoom Magnification (Optical): 0.19x
  • Lens Type: Zoom Lens
  • Type: Telephoto Lens

Designed for Fujifilm X-series camera users, this lens offers an impressive blend of versatility and durability, making it a top choice for photographers seeking exceptional performance in varying conditions.

Mit einer große Reichweite und großer Zoombereich, this lens provides the freedom to capture a wide range of subjects, from distant wildlife to sweeping landscapes. Say goodbye to shaky images and hello to consistently crisp results.

Photographers will appreciate the lens’s linear motor, which not only delivers rapid autofocus but does so with minimal noise. This feature is particularly advantageous when photographing wildlife or in quiet settings where silence is paramount.

Die Objektiv mit robuster und witterungsbeständiger Konstruktion, capable of withstanding harsh conditions. Whether you’re out in the rain, dust, or challenging outdoor environments, you can trust that this lens will endure and continue to perform reliably. 

Weitere Optionen: 5 Fujifilm GFX-Objektive für Mittelformatkameras


Welche Camera Lenses for Wildlife Photography To Choose?

Ich bin absolut begeistert von der Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM for its versatility. It comes in various versions, so you’re sure to find one that fits your camera like a dream.

With a focal length range of 150-600mm, it gives you incredible reach without breaking the bank (well, in the world of photography gear, that is).

And honestly, Sigma has always been my go-to brand for lenses—they really know their stuff, and it shows in the quality of their work.




Danke fürs Lesen!

I hope this guide helped you learn about some of the best Camera Lenses for Wildlife Photography 🙂 

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